Friday, December 15, 2006

Never Let Them See You Bleed

I CANT BELIEVE I LEFT OUT LANA's GRADUATION. It was her second one, because she's too smart to graduate once. Anyway what that means is that she is now officially the most technically educated person i know. She can also teach. Which is what she wanted so its good. The ceremony was excellent, I was so proud because I know she was unsure of things, and had problems with some parts (& people) in her course, but she did it, with style. Sorry.

Life Update
: Ok so since my last post I have:
  • Won a poker tournament. 100 players and I was the best. Damn i rock at that game, and im starting to read people, or at least really try.
  • Spent 13 hours drinking. Thats how you have a farewell party. Nothing says goodbye like watching the sun come up and people go to work from the inside of a pub.
  • Graduated. I am now officially a Computer Scientist. It was such a great day. I didnt think it would mean that much. I thought that getting there was the best part, but the ceremony kicked ass.
  • Passed an aptitude test for my job. Now i move on to the next phase fingers crossed.
  • Quit from the Club. I worked my last shift ever. Woo Hoo.
  • Won a poker night. Only 10-13 people or so but i still got $55 out of it.
  • Hung out heaps with Lana.
  • Saw the latest Bond movie. A must see, it kicks so much ass.
Yeah, its been a busy couple of days / weeks hence the lack of blogging. As it is, this is all I am going to write right now, as i have to drive my parents around. Not exactly how i wanted to spend my first weekend off but whatever.