Monday, September 15, 2008

Honey Badgers Are Your New God

Honey Badger is insane. Insane in his awesomeness.

Ignore the stupid opening this is an awesome video showing another of Natures Gangsters. Also th guy at the 4:40 mark must have ice water flowing through his veins. That would be INSANE.

You have to feel sorry for this guy. Almost. I mean it's a pretty dumb mistake.

If you haven't got iTunes 8.0 i REALLY suggest getting it. iTunes is so close to becoming the perfect media player. The CD grid view is the way that a music collection is meant to be seen, no if, ands or buts about it.

Top 5 Songs of the week:
Death Cab for Cutie - Bixby Canyon Bridge
My Chemical Romance - Cancer
The Flaming Lips - Race for the Prize
Prince - Trust
Sweeney Todd - Pirelli's Miracle Elixer

What I'm Playing:
Hitman - Blood Money: Its just so much fun to walk around silently killing people.
GTA IV: I Have finished the main story, but am now collecting the cars and doing the most wanted, once those are done I think Ill hang it up. For now.
Madden 09: My Patriots after going 3-1 in the pre season lost a nail biter first game to the Chiefs.

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

I Got Soul. But I'm not a Soldier

Well, Well, Well.  It has been a while hasn't it.  Lets see, since my last post I have:
    Gone to the Snow:
        Went down on Thursday night, got stuck between Canberra and Cooma after a crash, but it was one of those cool experiences, hanging out on a road at eleven o'clock doing jumping jacks and just laughing, it was cool. 
        As for the snow it was incredible.  It snowed all day Friday, half a day on Saturday and was clear skies and sunny on Sunday.  The cover was surprisingly good, and more importantly I was able to make tracks on all three days.  Powder runs, in Australia, I was shocked.  Although I definitely needed a board wax. Damn turtle.
    Had My Birthday:
        I actually had it while I was at the snow.  It was good.  I got some cool presents, some work out gear and some DVD's.
    Started to Apply for jobs in New York:
        This has made it all ... (Yes I'm going for it)...real.  New York was always the oasis at the edge of the work day desert.  Something I knew I was moving towards but always seemed to be just beyond being real.  Now it's starting to take shape.  I can almost hear the gunshots and smell the bagels, and it smells good.

NEVER, EVER watch Southland Tales.  It is a stupid, rambling movie, but what do you expect from the guy who made unleased Donnie Darko on us.  It has one good scene, which I am providing for you, DO NOT WATCH THE ACTUAL FILM.

Don LaFontaine - THE voice of movie trailers died recently.  You know who he is, even if you have never heard of him before.  A true legend in his field.  He will be missed.  Here is a short vid about him.

    I'm not sure who these ad's are marketing too, but they get my attention.

Here are two fan made posters for the next Batman movie:

I much prefer the top one.  I think it fits in REALLY well with the Nolanverse.  However it seems like that Riddler might be a little too close to the Joker.  Some distinction would be needed.

I have broadened my horizons a little, in regards to webcomics and podcasts.  
My Weekly Reading List: (Inadvertantly In Order)
Penny Arcade Mainly about games, but damn funny.  C'mon who hasn't heard of PA
Questionable Content More story oriented, still a little geeky, but damn funny.  Pintsize is one of the best characters ever)
Zero Punctuation Not a comic, a weekly game review.  Worth watching even if you don't care about games, the guy can turn a phrase.
Ctrl+Alt+Del Half and half between games and story, more story and a little too realistic.
XKCD Basically each one is just a thought.

My Weekly Listening List:  (In no order)
1Up Yours The ultimate games podcast, interesting, informative, funny and with some real talent.
SModcast Kevin Smith and his producer ramble on.  Very funny.
Major Nelson The official podcast of Xbox.

Monday, July 28, 2008

You're Done Tipping Your Fuckin' Hat

The Sutherland to Surf is on this sunday, and I think the most important part of my training will be the music on my iPod Shuffle. As such, I want to share with everyone the list of songs that will inspire my every step.
WWE - Triple H Theme
WWE - Randy Orton Theme
Jay Z/ Linkin Park - Numb\Encore
Jay Z/ Linkin Park - Jigga What\Faint
Linkin Park - Lying from You
Linkin Park - Bleed It Out
Foo Fighters - The Pretender
Foo Fighters - Best of You
Foo Fighters - My Hero
The Fratellis - Chelsea Dagger
The Fratellis - Flathead
The Killers - Mr Brightside
The Killers - Leave the Burbon on the Shelf
Kanye West - Jesus Walks
Kanye West - Stronger
John Williams - Superman Theme
Timbaland - Throw It On Me
?? - Rocky Theme
Rob Zombie - The Great American Nightmare
Rob Zombie - Living Dead Girl
Marilyn Manson - Lunchbox
50 Cent - I Get Money
Smashing Pumpkins - Bullet with Butterfly Wings
The Beatles - Helter Skelter
Nine Inch Nails - Starfuckers Inc
Nine Inch Nails - Head Like a Hole
Third Eye Blind - Semi Charmed Kind of Life
Bush - Glycerine
Dropkick Murphys - Captain Kellys Kitchen
Dropkick Murphys - Shipping Up to Boston
Dropkick Murphys - Kiss Me, I'm Shitfaced
Dropkick Murphys - Tessie
Diddy - Bad Boy for Live (Remix)
AC/DC - You Shook Me All Night Long
Chris Cornell - You Know My Name
Flo Rida - Low
Kurupt - Its Over
Fall Out Boy - This Aint a Scene, It's an Arms Race
The Ramones - I Wanna Be Sedated
My Chemical Romance - Mother
My Chemical Romance - Welcome to the Black Parade
Martin O'Donnell - Halo 3 Theme
Rancid - Ruby Soho
Iggy Pop - Lust for Life
The Kingsmen - Louie Louie
Nas - Ether

As usual, this post is after the fact. I FINISHED. I ran the whole 11km, and I did it in 55 minutes. I am so proud of myself. I didn't really plan to run it, Lan and I had just been running every sunday, and this came up. Seemed like a good idea, and it was.
The most I had run leading up to the event was 8km. I can honestly say that I am probably the healthiest I have EVER been.
At the very least I brake one stereotype of a computer scientist / gamer / comic fan.
The other thing about the run was that despite listing all these songs I ended up needing less than half to finish the race.

I have been thinking lately about the phones, and iPods and other things that I have with me or would like to have. I think the ultimate personal media device would be one that included these features:
  • A Camera - At least 5 Mega Pixels, a decent replacement for a real camera.
  • An MP3 Player - The bigger the storage the better, at least 250GB.
  • A portable hard drive - This is just as a secondary mode, much like the iPod can be used as a usb drive
  • A video player - For this you want a good screen on the device, which would also be used as the controls for the mp3 player and the viewfinder for the camera
  • A GPS - A full featured one.
  • A pedometer - A very good one, including software to monitor intake.
  • Software - A Calender, Email, Internet Browser, basic office package.
  • Wi Fi.
  • THE MOST IMPORTANT PART - A battery that will recharge as it goes, such as solar power, or biothermal. Something that doesn't have to be recharged each night.
I recognise that a lot of phones, such as the iPhone, or my own N95, perform most of these tasks, but you need an all in one.
Also this list is the bare essentials for the ultimate Personal Media Device. A number of other things should be included but aren't a must, such as an ebook reader etc.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Treat me good, I'll treat you better, treat me bad and I'll treat you worse

First and foremost, way to go Australia. We did it, it took a lot of McDonalds, a lot of TV and a whole bunch of fatso's but we are now the fattest nation on earth. Woo Hoo.

To: Fat People
From: The Divine Mathew

I Hate You All. But I will do everything I can to help, you just have to want it.

I don't think we needed a study to prove it, but it happened. After watching hot women, men are 'stupider', they act more impulsivey.

How to win at arguments

Funny Batman trailer spoof - it really only works if you have seen all the trailers.

Well it finally happened, my 360, which I thought would avoid it, finally succumbed to the red ring of death.
I looked on the MS website and it said I was out of warranty. I knew that all 360's had had a warranty extension of three years but I couldnt remember how long I have had it, so I thought 'whatever' and started looking for places that would repair it. Then I checked the manufacture date. It was December 06. I was still in warranty. Called up MS, got them on it, and am shipping it to them today.
As usual this post was sitting for ages, so it was returned in a week. Its a big problem, but the solution is so easy, they have done the right thing.

There should be more articles on the internet like this. Well thought out, well written discussions. (For those not bothering to read it, it is a long discussion between two game journalists on the pro's and con's of GTA 4). Not everything has to be top ten lists and three line comments. I am so sick short snips of junk that you forget as soon as you read it. Thats why magazines like Time are so good, they get in detail, they research, they interview and it provides for a much better article. The net needs more of it.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Anyone who uses the phrase 'easy as taking candy from a baby' has never tried taking candy from a baby.

The title is so INCREDIBLY true. You try getting candy away from my cousins. Impossible.

I am now on the first page of google, when you google the phrase "I'll stab you in the heart'. I consider that a great privilege. Now to become number 1.

Turns out even though he is 95 there are still some people I want to beat until I can't raise my arms. This guy is one of them. A war criminal, a Nazi, someone who should not be a part of society and is living free. I don't see how he was not killed by someone already.

For all those who want to be a sheriff but without the trouble of actually applying, here is an easier, but much more expensive way to do it. Buy a town in New Mexico. Then you can call yourself whatever you want. Mayor, Governor, Capo di tutti Capo.

Here are some of the funniest last words. I want to say something grand as my last words. Although it will be wasted, because when I die, the universe as we know it will have long since atrophied, the fires of hell will have burnt out and even the silver city will be ruins. I suppose that is the irony. The greatest last words ever, will never be known.

See more funny videos at CollegeHumor

Monday, June 02, 2008

I Can Bench Press a Car, Im an Ex Football Star

This isnt just an excuse to post this video:

Who am I kidding, or course it is, but their is still a story behind it. Turns out, its really an ad for Wii Fit. Pretty damn good.

This is a great story. Kind of, it starts off cool/funny then turns sad.
A hippo in South Africa has wandered down to a beach and is hanging out in the surf, it has been moving south along the cost for two months. The problem is that hippos are dangerous, really, really dangerous. If it gets to close to a settlement they will have to move it. This presents a whole different problem. If they tranq it, it runs into the water and drowns. So they are hoping it goes home of its own accord.
I will try and follow this up as best I can.

A teacher in Utah has been suspended because she dared to teach children in years 7 & 8 about sex. But she taught them about masturbation, oral sex and homosexual sex. Since two of those are 'sins', the community, is naturally in an uproar. Unbelievable, parents want teachers to teach manners, to teach discipline, basically to parent their kids so they don't have to, but when they do so, when they teach them about things that are an everyday part of life, they are reprimanded.
The quote of the article has to be:
"I'm really angry right now. I want someone to apologize to those kids and say 'I'm sorry this is not part of the curriculum,' " said Sara Dewitt, a parent who said she first heard about the teacher's comments from her child last Friday.
Because I guarantee their have been children crying themselves to sleep knowing they were taught something out of the curriculum.
I do not get religious people. I just don't.

So Australia is out of Iraq huh.
"[K-Rud] said the Iraq deployment was making Australia more of a terrorist target."
So let me get this straight. Being there made us a bigger target, so rather than going after the 'bully' we retreat and hope they forget about us. It must just be a point of view thing, because to me, that is the STUPIDEST THING I HAVE EVER HEARD. If someone is threatening you, and it is within your power to ensure they never threaten ANYONE ever again, wouldn't you do it?
I would, and thats why I have to back McCain, and thats why I voted for Howard. Stay the course. Finish the Fight.

I was at the gym last week, as I do. Anyway, they have a Fitness First music video channel there, I don't normally listen (Although I do watch a few of the clips, like this one, or this one) as I have my iPod. But I was listening to it last week and they were playing the usual top 40 stuff, Usher, Rhianna, etc. I don't really like this music (Umbrella-ella-ella was catchy and addictive though) as I have always considered it 'soul-less', over produced, manufactured, focus tested into perfection junk. However while I was listening they also played a Queen song.
This made me realise what I consider to be the harshest critisism of these songs:
Anyone of these singers could replace another and it would sound EXACTLY alike.
None have their own style, none bring anything unique to the table. Get someone other than Freddie Mercury to sing a Queen song and it sounds wrong, same with Lennon (The thought of Christina Aquilera singing Mother on this CD makes my blood run cold, and is cause enough for wiping earth from existence)

In an effort to lighten things up:
Here are 14 creative ads.

8 medical terms your doctor uses to insult you.

The funniest resume mistakes you can make.

Babe of the Day: Kim Kardashian

Monday, May 26, 2008

Second Best Killer That I Have EVER seen

Ok, the last few weeks I have been living a double life. One is work, gym, friends, family, Lana, etc. In my other life, I'm an eastern european immigrant, just arrived in Liberty City.
I have been playing GTA IV, a LOT. Whats not to love. This game blows away the excitement found in most movies and pretty much every game out there. When having a shoot out with the cops, you stand there watching the bullets fly off the car, the windshield shatter and the cops duck down searching for cover. When trying to get away the cops will do whatever it takes to bring down you down. I was escaping from the cops after one entanglement and when I got free all the shots, at least 20 were all around the wheel well, and the tyre had been blown out.
The best thing I can say about this game is that it raises the bar, and shows how lazy other game makers have been.
It re-invents and refines so many points that it is an absolute MUST play for everyone, even for a few minutes. I go for the chop in two weeks. I'm not worried, I'll be glad when I am all fixed up. Which thanks to my mutant healing factor will be about three minutes after I'm done.

A really good article. Does my generation (Generation Y, anyone born after '81) have no culture? To re-cap what is in the article, we have no new defining music, we have not added anything to movies or television. Previous generations can be identified easily, and richly with simple words, hippies, baby-boomer's, Generation X. All of these have full stereotypes associated with them. My initial reaction was that our contribution would not directly affect music and television, it would instead be how we have shaped the internet. Although Larry Page misses out on being a Gen Y'er by 4 years, Mark Zuckerberg (Created Facebook) is right in there (He's actually born the same year as me, which makes my list of accomplishments seem small). We are the first generation who have grown up with it, (which is why I will always refer to us as, and as such, we want to be responsible for it, much the same way that previous generations wanted to be responsible for their own leisure activities, which is where the generational music and movies come from.

Another interesting article. It is the story of a Disney cast member who played Jack Sparrow through out the Park. Its a job that I would do, even if the conditions are as strict as they say in the article.

Babe of the Day:
Megan Fox

Monday, May 12, 2008

Some Kind of Miracle

Ok, I got all inspired and here we go with a massive hit of your weekly healing touch.
I've been keeping busy, movies, friends, GTAIV and the search to find a book worth reading.
Lately I have felt more at peace with my place in the world. I think a lot of it comes from realising who I am and what I am. This has helped me realise why I am different from others, why I shouldn't compare myself against them and ultimately, what I can do to help others and myself.
This realisation didn't come from any one source in particular, so I can't suggest anyone thing to help, but I can list a few things that can only improve your way of life.
  • Exercise - Do I really need to list the benefits.
  • Meditation - This has NOTHING to do with religion or spirituality, its just something I do to center and relax myself.
  • Relationships - Family, friends or loved ones. Get out there and interact. The biggest benefit this has is that listening to others problems, and their solutions can help you with yours.
  • Relax - As someone who suffers physically from stress (which is crazy because I don't think I have ANY), it is a huge benefit being able to relax from time to time.

Looking at buying a house, or just interested in what you can get for your money? Follow this link, it compares some properties based on area. E.g.

South Africa v. San Francisco – $500,000
In South Africa, for half a million dollars, you can purchase a genuine castle complete with armor, high security, and a golf course. Stradford Castle, nestled in South Africa’s most gorgeous lake, is engraved with words of wisdom from ancient dukes and holds precious hand-crafted stained glass.

In San Francisco, for 500K you’ll afford a junior one bedroom with a spacious sleeping alcove. If you crane your neck out the bathroom window, you may even get a “peek-a-boo view” of the Bay Bridge.

If you have found yourself wondering what peak oil is, and how it will affect the economy, here is a video that will explain it. Don't worry, you wont be bored, half the screen is a girl dancing. I mean, Im not trying to drive people away here. Honestly, the video is WAY to preachy to be effective. It tells what peak oil is, and then berates you from its high horse. HOWEVER, it is an effective way of communicating an idea. They should make a whole series like this, covering things such as the Darfur Genocide and the unequal distribution of financial resources.

The last thing I have to say is, expect more. I am once again in the mood to create, so I'll dust of the pencils, fire up the script writer, and even blow the dust of this old site.

Thursday, May 08, 2008

He's Ordinary

Stole this idea from another blog, who I think stole it from someone else:
If you were independently wealthy, where in the world would you live and how would you spend your time?
I think mine is a pretty common answer. I would travel a LOT depending on the season, winter in the snow, summer in the sand. I would spend my time learning.

I am known for having no real personality, I am an amalgamation of different characters, from books, tv, movies, comics and so forth. Bit by bit, I have adopted different personality traits until all that is left is a chamleon of sorts, able to appear in a form pleasing to most people. Every now and again though, I abosorb something without intention. I have been watching (and highly recommend) the showtime series 'Dexter'. It is about a serial killer (who fakes emotions and his whole personality, although that is more of a coincidence), naturally I did not think that after watching this I would go and kill something, but I was wrong.
I killed a possum.
I didn't mean too, it ran out, and in swerving to miss it, I got it. With the front left AND the back right.
Now initially I thought it was just an accident. But since then I have come to realise that it wasn't. This was a strategic move by the possums. Im sure an autopsy will reveal that he was terminally ill. The possums chose him to be a sacrifice. Now the truce is broken, and it was officially broken by me. This means that in the eventual war between myself and the possums, the majority of the animal kingdom will have to align with the possums. I can count on the elephants, fish and cats. Im also pretty sure the dogs will join me, as for the rest. One possum down, many to go... once they make their move.

I went and saw the Foo Fighters recently. Wow, just wow. They were incredible. They rocked out for at least two hours. It was the longest set I have ever seen a band do, and each song was a hit. Just incredible.

For fun here are the bands / artists I have seen live:
Ja Rule
The Living End
The Rolling Stones
The Killers
Linkin Park
Kanye West
Robbie Williams
Machine Gun Fellatio
Duran Duran
Marilyn Manson
Foo Fighters
Chris Cornell

To me, for the most part, it reads like a top 10 (whatever) list of rock bands for the last ten years. Of course this list doesn't include all the plays, operas and musical I have also seen over the years.

Day surgery - YAY. Have to get a cyst removed from my sinus.

Review: Iron Man.
If you like movies than you should see this. It is in the top 3 Marvel movies ever (I would interchange Spiderman 2, X2 and this for the top three). The casting was brilliant, Robery Downy Jr carries the movie, as he is the title character, but the bit parts are excellent. Paltrow is subtle yet effective as Pepper Potts and Jeff Bridges is perfectly evil as the power mad Iron Monger. Had this come out last year it would have been comic movie of the year, but I'm still putting my money on the Bat.

Monday, April 07, 2008

Like a Snowball Rolling Down a Hill

Old news but the pope released some new sins. They are (The people at the end are examples of new sinners):

1. "Bioethical" violations, like birth control: Jessica Alba

Though pregnant herself, the stunning star urges others to "use birth control and condoms, please" in her upcoming book, "If I'd Known Then."

2. "Morally dubious" experiments such as stem cell research: Nancy Reagan

The former First Lady is guilty of supporting embryonic stem cell research as a potential cure for Alzheimer's.

3. Drug abuse: Amy Winehouse

A well-known exorcist, the Rev. Bob Larson, has already volunteered to save the "Rehab" singer's soul.

4. Polluting the environment: Apple

Portfolio magazine reports on toxins found in iPhone and iPod headphone cords, and Apple's computer recycling program lags behind those of its rivals.

5. Helping widen the divide between rich and poor: Wall Street bonus recipients

A credit crisis and scores of layoffs didn't stop a record $38 billion in bonuses for bullish execs last year.

6. Excessive wealth: Warren Buffett

Worth $62 billion, Bill Gates' occasional bridge partner was just ranked the world's richest person by Forbes.

7. Creating poverty: The MTA fare hike

Subway riders feel the pinch while MTA boss Elliot Sander cruises with a driver earning six figures.

Ive said it before, everyone loves a good hiest.

These are great. Considering I plan on going on some job interviews soon, If I'm in an interview that isn't going well, I'll pull out some of these answers.

Another great weekend. Races on Saturday, won money which is also good, followed by drinks and dinner at Ship Inn.
On Sunday went snorkeling which is awesome, it doesnt have the incredible pain that scuba had for me, and I did get to see a whole bunch of fish which was awesome.
St Pattys day came and went. It was good, met up with some of my usual friends, went to Newtown, Star City and PBH.

My health is all over the place as usual. My blood pressure is around 125-130, which isn't too bad, if my doctor isn't worried then I'm not.
Turns out I also have some cysts in my sinuses. This is why I had such incredible pains after diving. Normally surgery isn't used people live with it. I think I might get them removed though. I don't want to be one dive away from my license forever. Again, my doctor isn't that worried, so neither am I.

The move to New York is gathering momentum, all from Lana's side. I have been really lazy in comparison, in terms of preparation and such. Its time I get started.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Im back, and better than ever...Im back and better than never?

I wrote most of this post months ago, Im finally inspired to get back on track and start posting again.

My blood pressure remains high, but tests are being done, numbers are being measured. Im sure we will get to the bottom of this before I have a heart attack.

I did the majority of my scube diving course over the last two weekends. As it stands I dont think diving is for me. I LOVED when I was swimming along, looking at the coral, playing with the fish. LOVED IT. After diving, I dont think I can go spear fishing again. The gropers arent scared of people, they swim right up to you, the whole class was in a circle doing some exercies and these gropers just swam amongst us, just like a puppy that gets excited by a group of people. There is no sport in killing them, there is no hunt. Its shooting fish in a barrell.
UNFORTUNATELY, I do not seem suited to underwater conditions. Upon rising to the surface I got an incredible pain in my cheeck, and my teeth and gums on the left hand side of my face went numb. This happened on both Saturday & Sunday, hurting so bad on sunday I could not finish the course. My teeth are still numb and its Wednesday.

Taronga is getting a baby elephant. Im actually excited about this. Its going to be so cool, a baby elephant, we need more of them, lots more. Im not sure if I have posted this or not, but I have very little interest in living in a world without elephants. I'd just jump a rocket and live forever in space.
It wont be born till 2009 though. Takes a long time to cook up an elephant.

Wow, no one saw this coming. No one at all. Who thought they would come looking for compensation, its..its just so shocking.

Currently Playing:
  • Halo 3 - Online, step up one and all. No matter who it will end the same, you're all going to fall.
  • Mass Effect - Great story, check, fun combat, check, interesting characters, check. This could be the first console RPG i finish since KoToR.
  • Crackdown - Trying to finish up the acheivments.
Currently Listening:
Rehab - Amy Winehouse
Echos, Silence, Patience & Grace - Foo Fighters

Monday, February 11, 2008


So apparently I'm a ticking time bomb. My blood pressure is high, how high? Well it was written down as 140, and that was lowering it so it would be ok for this dive course. 140 is the lower limit for Stage 1 Hypertension. So yeah, its basically when, not if I have a heart attack / stroke whatever.
Bring it on, Ill beat this thing into the ground.

I had a fantastic weekend, went down to Towradgi with Lana. It was so relaxing, we watched some movies (American Graffiti & The Jerk, both great), went out to dinner and relaxed, I slept for 11 hours. I haven't slept that long since uni, its been well over a year. It was great.

Our trip is coming along nicely. Its going to be the most intense 5 days / nights ever. Disney for two days, Universal for one, and Vegas for a day. Sleep when dead (Or back at work ;) ).

Looks like one of my predictions is right, while another is falling apart. It looks like Obama is a shoe in for not only the nomination but the White House as well.
However the writers strike may end this week. Ill keep making predictions when I have them, hopefully I can improve my average.

This is pretty funny. Colbert, John Stewart and Conan O'Brian had a gag run across all three of their shows. It was fantastic, but its about half an hour all up.

Here is a list of what to look forward to on the video game scene in 08. Im going to give my own sub lists from each:
  • Mario Kart - Using the WiiMote as a wheel looks good, and its Mario Party so its going to be fun. (I Hope).
  • Da Blob - You play as a blod trying to bring color to a black and white world. Sounds different and innovative, so I'm excited.
PlayStation 3:
  • Little Big Planet - Looks like fun, and with user created levels, infinite re-playability.
  • The Agency - I always wanted to be a spy. This sounds good, but time intensive.
  • Too Human - I LOVE Norse Mythology, so this damn well better be good.
  • Halo Wars - More Halo, Oh Yeah.
  • Alan Wake - A very original and complex plot, this could either go really well, or be really confusing and bad.
Multi-Platform Games:
  • Fallout 3 - I loved Oblivion (No matter how much Lana pays me out about it), and this looks to be a hell of a lot like it. Hopefully it will be just as deep.
  • GTA IV - Its Grand Theft Auto.
  • Star Wars The Force Unleashed - This looks awesome, getting to play a Star Wars game as a baddie, with full on powers, it's been a long time coming.
  • TNA Impact - A new wrestling franchise, it doesnt have the name of WWE, but it does have a lot of known wrestlers so it could get a decent audience, if nothing else I hope it prompts a rehaul of the Smackdown series.
  • Prototype - If its as much fun as Crackdown, Im in, for hours, and hours, and hours.
  • Mirrors Edge - I'm excited for anything to do with parkour.
The biggest ones I'm hanging out for are GTA IV & Force Unleashed. The Play stations offerings look pretty good, but I don't know If i could dedicate enough time to the agency to make it worth a purchase. Halo Wars should be interesting, and will help what is a less than stellar year for the 360 (in terms of exclusives).

This video is compelling. An aquarium kept finding the bodies of sharks on the floor, they had to find out what was killing them. This video shows that sharks may not be the scariest thing out there while I'm diving.

It's such a shame he had to retire the Borat character. Here is yet another example of his brilliance.

Friday, February 01, 2008

No Country for Old Men

No Country for Old Men (Film):
Here is a movie that could appeal to two different audience for two very different reasons, however due to its limited release, and the way the movie is, will never get the acclaim it deserves.
The film follows the exploits of Llewelyn Moss (Josh Brolin), a Joe six pack, who one day while out hunting stumbles across a drug deal gone wrong. Things get complicated when he revisits the scene to help a dying survivor. After this he is on the run from a killer obviously hired by a drug king pin and some members of the other party involved in the deal. The film also has two other main protagonists, the killer AntonChigurh (Javier Bardem), who I will get to, in great detail later, and Ed Tom Bell (Tommy Lee Jones) a sheriff who is trying to get to Llewelyn to protect him from the hell he is bringing down on himself. The film shows that there is no country for old men, the world changes and several protagonists that are unable to keep up with the new way things are done.
The acting in this is superb, with Javier Bardems killer stealing the show. Here I have to give credit to the Cohens for creating the scariest killer since Hannibal Lecter. I think his performance in this will be remembered as just as intense, dangerous and unnerving, albeit for different reasons. In one scene Anton chats with a gas station attendant, this scene has such a strong sense of anticipation about it, it might just be the best scene all year. However the castisn't limited to just the three main characters, Woody Harrelson effortlessly pulls off another killer working for and against Anton, while Kelly Macdonald is perfect as the attentive and worried wife of Llewelyn.
A movie with an uncompromising message to tell is rare these days, that it is told so intriguingly is a testament to the Cohen's skill and the actors craft.

Case Designate Cloverfield

Cloverfield (Film):
I just yesterday went and saw Cloverfield. if you ha vent heard of this movie, well, that was kind of the point. The first trailer, seen here, didn't even have the name of the movie with it, the only information it gave was the release date. None of the promotion really told you what it was about. It was obvious New York was being attacked, by a large, or possible several large things. Leading up to the release there was a lot of viral marketing, including an Alternate Reality Game, focusing on theTagruato corporation, and its big selling drink, Slusho . All of this is fun and rewarding for those who got into it (or are jumping on after the movie, like me), however it doesn't help me talk about the movie itself.
Cloverfield is a monster survival movie. At its core it is that simple, what makes it different, is what makes it so engaging. The whole movie is shown from the P.O.V of a handy cam. It starts off with a going away party for Rob. He is going to become vice president of a company in Japan (In theARG we learn it is Tagruato, in particular Slusho ). The party, and indeed the city is crashed by a monster. What follows is a more realistic (although still a little too convenient at places) tale of what ordinary people would do in that situation. Rob, his brother Jason, Jason's girlfriend, Robs best friend (And the camera operator)Hud and a fellow part guest named Marlena all try and escape the destruction caused by the monster. As they are fleeing Rob gets a call from his 'girlfriend' Beth, who is injured but still alive. He decides to go and save her. Not too much else can be said about the plot, as to do so would be to spoil it. However the characters are fleshed out pretty well, mostly during the short party sequence. Robs relationship with Beth, his friendship withHud and his relationship with his brother and his girlfriend is all presented well, however it never feels forced.
Comparing this against any other monster movie is difficult. The film is supposed to be the recordings made by Hud of the event, and the audience is treated as such. There is no explanation for what the monster is or where it came from (Again theARG does give more clues). It is a refreshing change in presentation, particularly because, like the Blair Witch Project, the movie never breaks from its reality. It never switches to a third person view to show them running away from the monster, the movie does give some good shots of the monster, however it is presented naturally through the story, first through a glimpse between buildings, then more is seen whenHud video tapes a news report.

The movie however is not perfect. I think the biggest problem it has, is an almost unavoidable one. The line it walks between showing a realistic response to the terror, and the balance between being an engaging movie is difficult to maintain. Some parts come off as a little too convenient, or a little too cliche, these are kept to a minimum however, and for the most part it treats its material with a respect that it has never really gotten before. There are some slasher films, or action movies (In particular war movies) that try and convey it as realistic as possible, however never before has the monster genre had such an authentic experience. You are with them running through subway tunnels, ducking down in streets as the monster rampages over head, and most importantly you close enough to them to care when things go wrong. The acting is as expected, there isn't a huge range of acting needed to run around scared, however each of the characters is individual, you would not confuse them, nor are they ever lost in the crowd when compared to characters from other monster movies. There really isn't the melt down, can't go on scene. There is one scene like it, however it is kept in perspective.

I think the thing I like most about this movie is how much it has captivated my attention. Not only did I completely give myself over to the experience while in the movie, reading and discussing the back story and possible events around it, is just as exciting. Learning about theARG , possible theories as to what the monster is, where it came from all add to the movie, maybe not to the film itself, but to the movie as a cultural vehicle.

If you have seen the movie and would like to learn more about the ARG and the Cloverfield mythos, you should try this site (Which gives a run down of most of the stuff), or this one (For EVERYTHING Cloverfield).

You are going to HOLLYWOOD.

So if anyone is in L.A. when the Oscars are on, let me know we can meet up. Lana won tickets to the City of Angels, free air fare, free hotel. I cant WAIT.

I think I support some of the ideas of Scientology. Now calm down, don't run me out of town just yet. No I don't believe in the aliens or thetans or anything. After watching the AWARD VIDEO of Tom Cruise, If he is really saying that scientologists must get out there and help everyone, then that puts it about a thousand points higher than every other religion I have heard of. That is what the world should be, people helping others, not so that they will go to heaven, not because they share the same faith, just because its the right thing to do. I don't agree with the whole, throwing money at the church does anything other than KSW. Maybe I should start my own religion, mix in the best bits of all of it. Makes sense for a God to have a religion.

I think this is how the blog is going to go from here on out. Smaller posts, some full of links, some just rants. I cant believe I have chronicled more than a year of me mucking about. Its weird to think that there might be someone I have never met, in India, or Canada, or even the other side of Sydney, might be reading the inane sprouting of my mind.

After many, many years I realise why I don't always fit in. I'm from the Looking Glass. If you have no idea what I mean, read "Through the Looking Glass" by Lewis Carroll. I'm not strange, I'm just a mirror image of another me.

Monday, January 28, 2008

No Country for Old Posts

This is interesting, it shows the size of various planets & stars. Makes you realise that the largest known star is to our sun, as an ant is to an apartment block.

I always figured that being a game tester would be a great job. The more you look into it the less and less appealing it becomes, here is an article that details just how miserable a job it would be. Granted it is really testing hardware rather than games, but the game testing would not be much better.

You know what, Im with Bill Clinton, give him another four, no eight more years. Eight more years.

Some good work out tips, get better results from your workup by following this. Such as work out but keep cool, do two smaller workouts during the day etc.

I had heard of the side effects of most of these before (Acutane while effective is widely known to be pretty damaging, but herpes? At what point would you even consider it if that is a side effect), but here they are listed one after another, not pretty.

Heath Ledger died and that sucks. By far the funniest joke yet is if he hadn't finsihed filming his scenes for the new Batman they should just go the Bela Lugosi route and have someone walk around with a cape held up.

Monday, January 21, 2008

A Year in (P)Review

My Predictions for 2008:

  • Barack Obama will be in the White House this year, as President, or Vice, I wont say.
  • Oil will not go under $100 a barrel for the second half of the year.
  • American troops will remain in Iraq the entire year.
  • Grand Theft Auto 4 will be the biggest selling game of the year.
  • Batman: The Dark Knight & Ironman will both be HUGE.
  • The writers strike will end before August, but after May.

My Tops for 2007:
Top Movies :
  • The Bourne Ultimatum
  • Rocky Balboa
  • 300
  • The Kingdom
  • Smokin Ace's
  • American Gangster
This list is somewhat limited due to the fact that a lot of well reviewed movies got very limited releases in Australia, or are only just now coming out, so I will include a list of all I want to see
  • No Country for Old Men
  • There Will be Blood
  • Juno
  • Right at Your Door
  • 3:10 to Yuma
  • The Assassination of Jesse James...

Top Songs:

  • Umbrella - Rhianna
  • Girlfriend - Avril Lavigne
  • Big Girls Dont Cry - Fergie
  • Stronger - Kanye West
  • This Aint a Scene - Fall Out Boy
  • What Goes Around - Justin Timberlake
  • The Way I Are - Timbalan
  • U & Ur Hand - Pink
  • Straight Lines - Silverchair

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

It was nice while it lasted

This has really annoyed me. Communications Minister Stephen Conroy has announced that the Labor government is going to create an internet filter, that will block out a list of sites from being accessed, its done at the ISP (Internet service provider) level, so it will cover everyone.
I suggest getting a coffe because, me almighty, will I rant about this.
Ok, First and foremost, the most disgusting thing is that they are censoring the Internet. Once this starts it is a slippery slope. Once censorship starts then the internet will slowly turn into just another government controlled medium. Much like TV & Radio, there will be a LONG list of things you can and can't say. Fuck. There, if this was the TV or radio I would never have been able to say that. Many believe that this is ridiculous, that the government would never do that. Give it time. If the government is willing to curve to the religous right, it will continue to curve, bend and then brake. Do we really want another medium that talks about nothing but celebrities and tv shows. I use the internet because it is for the people, by the people (Not all of it but the majority of what I surf is). One by one these voices could be silenced. Hooray
Next is the comparison to China. Now I feel that any move towards Chinas internet is a bad one. The people in China cannot look up any sites that promote a free Tibet. This is the direction that Stephen Conroy wants to take us in. At least he is honest, people may say Howard was evil, but at least he was kind of subversive about it, this guy is just up front Super Villainy. I fully expect him to start wearing a cape, mask and cane, carrying around a cat and being flanked by two guys with ray guns.
Also in the article he compares freedom of speech to watching kiddie porn (Hereafter reffered to as kp, because even writing the words makes me ill). Now dont get me wrong, I COMPLETELY AGREE that kp is wrong. So wrong. If god and or hell really existed, I would personally send all those responsible (makers & consumers) there myself. It would not be a pleasant trip either, I'd make them suffer, my fury would be beyond compare. However, I dont think that freedom of speech = kp.
However again, you have to admire the villainy at work here, by making this comparison he has effectively written off his entire opposition, anyone that argues, much like I am doing now, he can turn to them and say, "Oh so you DO want kp?", which I will stress again. I DO NOT. He has created a straw man (as some may say I am) that is so one sided that it is almost impossible to argue with him.
This service will be an opt out program, so if you want access to everything the internet has to offer, you have to contact your ISP and say you want out. Again, because of the straw man Stephen Conroy created, this means that you are effectively telling your ISP, and by relation, the goverment that you want kp. This is another example of someone else having to take responsibility for those parents who dont want to parent. Rather than creating a service where responsible parents could opt in, ensuring that thier children are not exposed to erotic content (assuming here that the filter will block out the majority of erotic content, not just kp), they are blanketing everyone with it.
Another thing that irritates me is that there is no way for people to know what sites will be blocked. I can only assume the government wont give out a list (as that would essentially be a white pages for the real losers out there), so what is to stop them adding sites that speak out against the government. It won't happen (I hope), but there is realistically nothing stopping them.

There it is, my feelings, or as complete as I can get to them, on this piece of evil injustice. In summation, taking Chinas censored approach to the internet is a BAD thing, freedom of speech does not equal, or even compare to kp, and Stephen Conroy is months away from introducing to us his new secretary Darth Vader, and his deputy Sauron.

Hate to Say "I Told You So" but...

Another little rant. The entire time John Howard was in government he said he would not apologise for the stolen generation. I agree with him completely, for two reasons, first it makes no sense to apologise for something someone else did. We do not make Germany continually apologise for the war, because modern day Germany is not responsible. We had nothing to do with the stolen generation, we cannot apologise, because we are not at fault. This leads us to the second point, apologising means admitting fault, which leaves the government, as a whole, open to compensation claims. This is the more contentious issue. There is no reason why the current government should pay compensation to Aboriginal & Torres Straight Islanders for something that was done by someone else. Again, it would be like asking compensation from Germany and Japan.
An apology means one party taking responsibility for a wrong doing. There is no link between modern Australia, and the faults of previous generations. Without this link there can be no responsibility, there should be no apology, there most definately should not be one cent paid in compensation.

If the Aboriginals want to set up a compensation fund, that they foot the bill for, for the 10 year old girl that was repeatedly gang raped in the Northern Territory, by all means go for it. There is a direct link there. But no, white man can't interfere with anything that goes on, because that is their land, thier own style of justice will be handed out.
How dare they ask anyone to apologise when something like that is happening in thier own backyard. Get your house in order before you come and make demands of others.