Sunday, July 20, 2008

Treat me good, I'll treat you better, treat me bad and I'll treat you worse

First and foremost, way to go Australia. We did it, it took a lot of McDonalds, a lot of TV and a whole bunch of fatso's but we are now the fattest nation on earth. Woo Hoo.

To: Fat People
From: The Divine Mathew

I Hate You All. But I will do everything I can to help, you just have to want it.

I don't think we needed a study to prove it, but it happened. After watching hot women, men are 'stupider', they act more impulsivey.

How to win at arguments

Funny Batman trailer spoof - it really only works if you have seen all the trailers.

Well it finally happened, my 360, which I thought would avoid it, finally succumbed to the red ring of death.
I looked on the MS website and it said I was out of warranty. I knew that all 360's had had a warranty extension of three years but I couldnt remember how long I have had it, so I thought 'whatever' and started looking for places that would repair it. Then I checked the manufacture date. It was December 06. I was still in warranty. Called up MS, got them on it, and am shipping it to them today.
As usual this post was sitting for ages, so it was returned in a week. Its a big problem, but the solution is so easy, they have done the right thing.

There should be more articles on the internet like this. Well thought out, well written discussions. (For those not bothering to read it, it is a long discussion between two game journalists on the pro's and con's of GTA 4). Not everything has to be top ten lists and three line comments. I am so sick short snips of junk that you forget as soon as you read it. Thats why magazines like Time are so good, they get in detail, they research, they interview and it provides for a much better article. The net needs more of it.